Saturday, March 20, 2010

What do you call a booty call with no booty?

Meeting up for happy hour? A friend with no benefits?

What if it always happens late at night?

I was having a discussion with a friend. She was talking about wanting to find a "friend with no benefits". Someone to go drinking with you, hiking, to a movie and this got me thinking about a booty call with no booty.

It is an interesting concept, especially to me, a single woman who is friends with many members of the opposite sex - and I meant friends when I said friends.  For example, last year I woke up with a friend in my bed... (he was visiting from our of town).  Eventually I rolled over into him (a little suprised might I add) and he ended up kicking my out of my own bed... the story was amazing... glorious... and unique to say the least.  I guess these things happen when you go out drinking for a long night.

I am friends with married or long-dating couples, yet because their wives/girlfriends are cool I am allowed to hang out with the guys and it isn't a threat (that is a whole different blog entry). I am also friends with single guys. Sometimes I wonder why people think it is strangle to have friends that are members of the opposite sex, but then again I am a girl and have no clue how guys think.

Here are some of the things I enjoy doing with my guy friends (and good girlfriends who enjoy my list):
  • Playing beer pong until you can't see straight
  • Watching college football
  • Watching MNF
  • Playing kick-ball and then flip-cup
  • Hiking
  • Seeing bad action movies
  • Grabbing pizza and beer after class
  • Beer tasting
  • Going to shady markets and finding the best sandwiches - ever
  • Building something... Anything
  • Planning and hosting a tailgate
  • Shotgunning at a tailgate
  • Making friends with bartenders to get free drinks
  • Eating hot wings
  • Going canoing / kayaking / white water rafting
  • And the list could go on.
Not that guys exclusively like to do the things listed above, but I only have a few girlfriends who like to partake in the activities. Does this mean I have more guy tendencies than girl tendencies? I still like to go shopping and watch chick-flicks, but I hate talking about feelings. And when it comes to giving people bad news, I somehow have a gift for it because I can be sympathetic yet strong. I guess I think my guy friends like to have a bit more fun (with the exception of a few good girlfriends) because they will fly across the country for a drinking competition or they don't judge me when I own two beer pong tables.

So for now, I will continue to do what I do... And just have fun with life.
Game on!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Haha. I was reading your list and my immediate reaction was "Hey! Those are the things WE do together!". Then I saw your "few good girlfriends" caveat. :) I miss the Lake House and kabrewing. Wish we were doing that again this Memorial weekend...