When I do this, one of the following happens:
- I get the look where the person wonders if I am on drugs
- I get the... You have to be kidding me, I haven't had my coffee yet look.
- I get a shocked look s stunned they can't utter the words back
- Occasionally I get a good morning back.
I began thinking, is this an east coast thing? Is it a morning person thing (yes I am a recovering morning person)? Why is it so shocking when a stranger smiles and says good morning?
I personally think the world would be a better place if everyone said good morning to three strangers a day. In fact, I challenge my readers (if there are any) to do so and report back your findings.
I also challenge my readers / lurkers to comment once in a while. I am just curious who reads what I write and... Do you think I am crazy? Also, is there anything you want me to write more of? A lot of crazy crap goes on around me so I have a lot to choose from.
Your homework (whether you choose to accept it or not):
- Say good morning to three people in the morning for a week straight
- Comment on my blog (don't care if it is anonymously or not) just so I know you are out there lurking... And, for the record, I don't judge the lurkers.
As a lifelong East Coaster, I sometimes go with the standard head nod a/k/a "the what's up." It's acknowledging someone's existence, although "Good Morning" is a bit far for me.
Its really so good and informative post. thanks for sharing us.
I read it! And apparently 15 other people at LTC do too...because tons of people randomly said good morning today.
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