Out of pure boredom, curiosity, and the need for entertaining material for my blog, I signed up for internet dating on eharmony. Although I am still technically not dating, I figured what do I have to lose (besides my lunch).
I know that several people are applauding out there... But I don't think I am ready to take it seriously, I just want to have fun and tell you some of the stories.
Here are a few things I learned:
You have to take a personality test.
You get to ask people generic questions like where is your ideal vacation... Pick one (hawaii, paris, hiking, were the choices.) Are you kidding me!!!! Those or so generic. I responded go to Egypt and take a river cruise from Luxor through Cairo and Alexandria. Now that is an awesome vacation. Can you tell that I am going to have fun with this?
Perhaps I would have considered dating earlier if I realized how entertaining the personality assessments were. I mean what does it really say that my three favorite movies are Apollo 13, Old School (or stupid comedies) and The Jerk? I think it means I am quirky, but to some computer out there it means something more.
It also gave me a personality assessment - this in and of itself deserves its own blog entry because I find it funny - to tell me what I'm like. Too bad I'm not sure it is accurate... Which means even more fun since my matches are based off of this.
Let's be honest... I am willing to give this a try, but are they really going to be able to find a match for someone who works too much, actually enjoys going to grad school, has fun playing frisbee with my dog, and enjoys drinking beer at night? Now that is a real challenge.
I'll report back after I filter thru the guys in my queue... Apparently there are a lot... Man thus feels like processing paperwork.
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