Monday, January 17, 2011

Why I Came Back... Because Indiana really is better

You may have noticed that i have been absent since Labor Day. That is not a coincidence. I launched a corporate blog and frankly i was blogged out for a while. But then i realized, that my life is much to weird to keep to myself. Besides, blogging helps me to vent my frustrations about the circumstances around me.

Let's take last night for instance...

I was sick all weekend. I slept from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning. Then i quickly realized that i need to perk up. What better way than to go and watch football at my favorite bar. So I rallied and went to go watch the Jets take on the Patriots.

This was an important game for me, mostly because I am not a Pats fan (you cannot be a Colts fan and a Pats fan, they kick you out of the club) and then the Jets beat the Colts last week. But, I decided to cheer for the Jets (although not feverishly).

While cheering for football, I got into a headed discussion about basketball, specifically the Butler game. Someone was cheering for Wright State against Butler because they didn't like Indiana. Those are fighting words to me.

Eventually my argument entered upon the following facts why Indiana is better than Ohio.

1- we have a town called French Lick, the birthplace of Larry Bird
2- when you think of basketball in its pure form you think of Indiana. When you think about basketball and Ohio, you think to Lebron James... Enough said.
3- popcorn, not only is it my favorite food, but Indiana produces 90% of the worlds popcorn (fun fact)
4- sporting events... We have Notre Dame football and the Indy 500 (biggest single sporting event in the world)
5- we've nothing else, so please just give me the fact that indiana is better than Ohio.


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