I've been thinking about this a lot. I have a few options:
- Brassy - At first I thought this word may describe me. Mostly because I looked at it from the perspective that brassy is a little different, but still bright and shiny, not afraid to be unique. Then I looked up the definition (insolent, brazen, showy, harsh, strident, flashy, tasteless). Ok... maybe not brassy (but in my defense, I saw myself sipping a dark liquor in a speakeasy without having a care in the world.
- Determined - I think the worst thing that a person can tell me is that I can't do something. If I hear these words, then I automatically do anything in my power to defeat it. Hmm... maybe stubborn is a more apt definition.
- Competitive - Wait... these aren't good words that I'm thinking of. I enjoy competition. I think competition isn't negative, but I like to play games and I like to win. And it isn't just games, generally, I like to do as well as I can and not leave anything behind. I remember once when I told my boss I wasn't competitive. He laughed for days and he still reminds me of the situation.
- Dedicated - I know a few of my friends who would say that I am dedicated because I'll do anything for anyone. I also fight for my friends and family (see determined and competitive).
- Klutzy - I fall. It is known as "Pulling an Amy" and it has caught on. Both my co-workers and my friends like to say, "Guess what happened last weekend. I pulled an Amy." Awesome. At least I am know for something :-/
- Charming - I think this is the one I'm going with. A few years ago after my friend's wedding, I was driving home. I was tired and hungover (so was my date). I'm sure I did something stupid because I got the look of death. My response was, "It's part of my charm!" Suddenly the situation was defused, he started laughing and I coined a new catch phrase. When you think about it, it is the quirks in life that make people unique and it also can make them annoying. But if you take a step back and consider that those are the quirks that makes someone special, then suddenly it isn't so bad.
Unless of course you disagree.
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